Monday, September 29, 2008


MAS Artists

Plein Air Painting

We went to Hammonasett to paint on the 24th, if the weather is good, I suggest that we go there again. If not, we will try for October 8th. It is located at the very end of Meig's Point beyond the regular parking lot (large rocks and pond). No park fees to get into Hammonasett now.

MAS Artists on display around the State

Pat Barrone has a show starting with two other artists at the Case Memorial Library in Orange CT from October 1st - 31st "Three Visions". Corina Alvarezdelugo notified us that there is a showcase of open studio's in the New Haven area "Artspace - Citywide" October 3 - 5th. The following weekend many of our MAS artists are taking part in opening their studios for the Art Trail in the Shoreline area. At the LAA recent show, MAS members: Denise Casey, Tony D'Amico, Patricia Seakamp and Maryanne Rupp have paintings on display.

October 4Th and 5Th - Flutes, Feathers, and Fine Art

About 30 MAS artists are exhibiting our paintings at Hammonasett near Meig's Point on October 4Th and 5Th. For every painting that is sold, the artist will donate 25% of their proceeds to the Friends of Hammonasett to help build their Nature Center Exhibition facility. Please come and support us. Joe Fire Crow will be performing both days now and there will be Birds of Prey exhibits plus food vendors.

October 9th - Watercolor Demonstation by Gayle Asher at 6:30 PM at the Old Memorial Town Hall

Gayle Asher received his art training at the National Academy of Design in New York City and the Ringling School of Art in Sarasota, Florida. He was a Graphics Designer and an Art Director in New York for more than 30 years. Since his retirement, he has devoted his primary energies to fine art, in particular watercolors. He has been an active member of the Fairfield Watercolor Group, the Rowayton Arts Center, and the Darien Arts Center where he was teacher and former board member. He has won awards at the annual Connecticut Watercolor Society Annual Award Show, the Spectrum Show in New Canaan, the Mavis Fenner Juried show at the Rowayton Arts Center, and the Guilford Art Society Show. In 2004 and 2005 he received a first place award at the Walter Brooks Memorial Juried Show and a first place at their All Media Show, both at the Rowayton Arts Center. He also won first place in watercolor at the 2004 and 2005 Darien Arts Show. He exhibits regularly at the Darien Arts Center, the Post 53 Cooperative Art Show, the Rowayton Arts Center, and the CCNS Art Show. He has also exhibited his works at the Darien Library, and the Connecticut Watercolor Society. His work was purchased by the Darien Library for their Fundraising Art Auction in October 2006.

October 18th - Bauer Farm Outdoor Paint Out and Sale

On October 18th, Saturday, MAS artists are invited to join us at the October Bauer Farm Festival in Madison. It officially starts at 11 from 3. We will be painting during the Festival (we can start earlier than 11 and end whenever we want to stop painting) and we will have a display stand to showcase some of our work of Bauer Farm (11 -3). There is no fee for the artists and no sale commisssions. Let me know if you want to join us.
If you have a Bauer Farm painting to display, let me know and if you can sit at the display stand to answer questions about MAS - your help would be appreciated (split up the time about 1/2 hour each).

If it rains, there is no rain date. The following artists have confirmed their attendence so far (Paula Solimene, Pat Barrone, Jay Babina, Joan McPherson, Maryanne Rupp, Lesley Braren, Karen Wiesner,Beverly Schirmeier, and Patricia Seakamp).

Beverly Schirmeier

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