Sunday, September 28, 2008

Artists Participating in the Friends of Hammonasett Event

Artists Participating in the Friends of Hammonasett Event
Flutes, Feathers and Fine Art - October 4th and 5th

Listed below are the artists that have confirmed their attendance. There is still room for additional artists that have their own display stands and have their own tents if required( Please check with Bev Schirmeir). You must be with your art work the whole time and they want to be sure we have enough artists there both days. We have filled the large tent with the artists on the waiting list. If you have your own tents, you will be putting them up near our large 30 by 60 foot tent (it will be up Friday morning). Don will be coming up with an overall plan. Since there may be wind up there, make sure your tents are secure (stakes/sand bags etc.). Don suggested that instead putting any small tents up Friday night, that it would be better to put them up Saturday morning. We all need to be ready and set up by 9:00 AM. Hours are 9 - 4:30.

Artists will get preferential parking in the first 2 rows at Meigs point near the event area. They can drive their cars to the tent to set up but will need to park in the parking lot nearby. Someone will be there to assist them with any questions they may have They should be set by 9 AM They can set up Friday if they choose. The hours of the event are 9 Am to 4:30PM Sat and Sunday.

Don and I will be in close contact about the weather and if there are any change in plans. If a light intermitent clouds or possible light showers - the event will go on as planned. If heavy rain and wind, the birds of prey and Joe Fire Crow will be on Sunday. Call me and I will be contact Don.

A few of you did not indicate whether you will be attending the reception Saturday night. I need to know that too ASAP. I have 21 going to the reception as of now.


Artists confirmed
In the Tent (10 by 10 foot space) with 10 foot walk space in the center, I will mark out the spaces for you and have a layout Saturday morning.

1 -Beverly Schirmeier (share with Maryanne) Reception 2
1 - Maryanne Rupp (share with Beverly) Reception 2
2 - Pat Barrone (share with Paula Solimene) Reception 1
2- Paula Solimene (share with Pat Barrone) Reception 13- Karen Lipeka - Reception 1
4 - Joan McPherson - Reception 1
5 - Betsey Evarts Lupkas - ( May share with Pat) Reception 1
6 - Pat Anderson - ( May share with Betsey) Reception Need Response
7 - Gloria Nillson - Reception 1
8 - Patricia and Bill Seakamp (Bill outside with his own tent) - Reception
9 - Sandra Smith (share space with Sara Nebel) Reception Need Response
10 - Sara Nebel (share with Sandy Smith) Reception 1
11 - Penny Chittenden (share with Denise Casey) Reception 2
11 - Denise Casey (share with Penny Chittenden) Reception 2
12 - Terry Bogan (Saturday alone and may share Joan McPherson's space on Sunday morning)
Reception 1

Waiting List for Large Tent: possible Jay Babina (no tent)

Have Their Own Tent - Display Racks
Marge Lutz and Elizabeth Billingsley - Reception 1 Need response from Elizabeth
Jan Blencowe - Reception 1
Joe Veckerelli - Reception No
Karen Wiesner/Jo McCarthy - Reception 2 Joanne need response
Christine Drago - Reception No
Lesley Braren - Reception Need response
Sandra Kensler - Reception Need response
Jay Babina (No Tent) - Reception 1
Wes Vietzke - Reception Need Response
Bill Hosking - Reception Need Response
Bill Seakamp - Reception
Dick Kennedy and Dick Passero ( question about Lion's cards and commission)
Reception - Need forms and responses

Event at Hammonasset Beach State Park

October 4th & 5th, 2008
Beginning at 9:00 am

A special two-day celebration, featuring:
*A concert by JOSEPH FIRE CROW at 3pm on Saturday only.
*Birding programs both days, including bird walks, presentations, and birds of prey exhibitions.
*A significant art show by both the Madison Art Society as well as individual artists and photographers. Many Native American artisans will also be present.

We also invite you and any assistants to a small reception on Saturday evening at 5pm
at the Nature Center.

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