Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Latest News from MAS Spring 2009 Edition

Madison Art Society Hi-lights

President’s Letter

As a few snowflakes harkens the first day of spring, the Madison Art Society has been busy planning activities to meet our member’s survey responses. In fact, we have already offered many activities so far this year.

The year started with an exciting 34th Annual Members Art Show and I would like to express a special thank you on behalf of this year’s co-chairs, Joe Veckerelli and Beth Wardwell, to the many members that helped to make the show happen. Over half of our members participated, 115 paintings and sculpture were hung. Based on feedback from the members and the public, the quality was exceptional and it was well received plus we sold 11 works of art which is an all time record.

Denise Casey, Karen Wiesner and Sandra Kensler

Beth Wardwell and Joe Veckerelli co-chairs of the 34th Annual Member Show

34th Annual Member Show reception - Ed Meyers, Ct Senator with BOD members, Seymour Page and Ellen Fabian,

Joe Veckerelli’s watercolor painting, Chicago, was voted the Most Popular work of art at our well attended reception (photo of his painting is attached in this newsletter).

Joe Veckerelli, Chicago, Watercolor, Winner Most Popular Award

Lou Bonamarte, a well know watercolorist, critiqued the art work of the 55 members that attended Sunday’s Critique session. For the month of March, the MAS Board of Directors showcased their paintings at the Scranton Library.

Fred Biamonte, an assistant research art curator from the Florence Griswold Museum and docent and lecturer from the New Britain Museum of American Art, gave an insightful and introspective slide presentation about the life of the artist, Edward Hopper.

Twenty two MAS artists have been busy painting on Monday’s Winter Studio at the St. Andrews Church. On March 24th, we held an interactive acrylic painting seminar at the Old Memorial Town Hall for 28 artists led by Joan Polzin from Chroma Interactive Acrylic Paint.

The 34th Annual Juried Show planning is well underway by the three co-chairpersons, Denise Casey, Sandy Kensler, and Karen Wiesner (photo enclosed). We have two exciting award winning jurors that will judge our show, Jean Dalton and Julia Pavone.

Please remember to pay your dues by April 30th in order not to lose your artist’s member standing and apply for reduced member rates. Don Trownsell, our VP, and his team have been busy getting award money for us (over a thousand dollars in cash and prizes).

We are looking forward to seeing all of you at receiving on May 2nd from 9 -12 p.m. and at the reception, May 8th from 5 -7 p.m. On Sunday, May 17th, our juror, Julia Pavone, will be giving a slide presentation and talk at the Scranton Library at 1:30 p.m. about non-representational art so we can appreciate it and incorporate in our own artwork. She is the co-founder and curator/director of the Alexey von Schlippe Gallery of Art at UCONN Avery Point. Julia has also taught art at UCONN for the past nineteen years.

On May 21, at 7 p.m. at the Scranton Library Poetry Night - Guilford Poets Guild will read the poems that are inspired by our art work.

We have three other presentations scheduled for Thursday evenings at the Madison Memorial Town Hall this summer:

Laurel Friedman, Pastels, June 4 at 6:30 pm
Brec Morgan, Marine Art Watercolor/Acrylics, July 9 at 6:30pm
Jerry Weiss, Portrait oils, August 6 at 6:30 pm

Are you interested in painting outdoors with us? We have a strong plein air painting group that go out on Wednesday mornings in the summer and early fall. If you are interested in joining us, please email me and let me know, Bschirmeier@yahoo.com.

We are also planning outdoor exhibitions where you show and sell your paintings. Details as to dates are being developed.

Beverly Schirmeier
MAS President

Madison Art Society - 33rd Annual Juried Show
May 4th - May 29th 2009
Scranton Memorial Library
Receiving Saturday, May 2nd, 9 -12 p.m. - open to all CT artists
Over a thousand dollars in cash prizes and gifts awarded
Opening Reception – Friday, May 8, from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Demonstrations are open to the public
Julia Pavone, Non-representational Art Lecture,
on Sunday, May 17, 1:30 pm at the Scranton Library
Poetry Night - Guilford Poets Guild on May 21, 7 p.m. at the Scranton Library

Other demonstrations on Thursday evenings are at the Madison Memorial Town Hall
Laurel Friedman, Pastels, June 4 at 6:30 pm
Brec Morgan, Marine Art Watercolor/Acrylics, July 9, at 6:30p.m.
Jerry Weiss, Portrait oils, August 6 at 6:30 p.m.

Interested in painting outdoors on Wednesday mornings with MAS artists this summer and fall? Email your response to Bschirmeier@yahoo.com.


If you are not sure whether you paid your 2009 dues yet, contact our Membership Chairperson, Maude Schmidt, at 203-245-0807. Your dues need to be paid for 2009 by April 30th if you want to retain your artist member standing and to apply for a discounted membership entry fee rate for the Juried Show.

If you have changed your email address, let Maude know too. We are trying to save money and go green so much of our communication is via the internet. Keep posted by checking our web site managed by Jan Blencowe at www madisonartsociety.blogspot.com.


MAS artist’s paintings are featured at the Madison Town Hall and Maryanne Rupp is the coordinator. She can be contacted at 860-663-3789. Our artists for January were Fern Hubbard and Karen Anderson, February’s artists were Beverly Schirmeier and Karen Anderson. The artists for April and May will be Sara Nebel and Susan Burnham. It is a great way to gain exposure for your artwork.

March's artist - Road Well Traveled by Bev Schirmeier.

Apple Pie - Karen Anderson February's artist

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