Thursday, January 01, 2009

Winter Studio Update

Happy Holidays to all Winter Studio MAS Members

Starting on Monday, January 5th, we will begin the Winter Studio Sessions at St. Andrews Church in Madison. It is located on Rte. 79 and you enter on the right side, first door and it is in the basement (there is an elevator if you need one). The time of the class is 9 to 3. Bring lunch for yourselves. There is a micro wave and stove. The critique portion is 2 -3. I have attached a copy of the Winter Studio members that have signed up for you to review. If you need a substitute some Monday, Joan McPherson and Jay Babina would love to attend and pay a daily rate ($8). We have 20 members signed up already, so we have hit our maximum for the class.


The Winter Studio will not be run on the following Monday school vacation days: January 19, February 16, and February 23 or if there is a snow day school cancellation for the Madison School system (check TV news for notification). Assuming no snow cancellations, we will be done with the Winter Studio's 10 week session by March 30th. If there are extentions of our schedule due to snow cancellations, we will meet April 6th (if one snow day), but if there are 2 snow days, we do not meet on April 13th (school holiday) so it would be the April 20th.


If you are going to paint with oils, please bring a drop cloth and non-smelling turpenoid. You may need a clip on light and extention cords. Two members will provide a still life set up every week (sign up is the first week). Please let me know if for some reason, you can not attend the date of you have signed up for a still life set up. Please contact a sub to bring one for you that day. Anyone can bring their own still life or photo to work from if you would prefer.

Winter Studio Sign Ups

I already have 20 artists signed up for the Winter Studio at this time. The following artists are registered for the Winter Studio. The sub would pay the $8 per day to the artist whose place you are taking.

Corina Alvarezdelugo
Patricia Anderson
Karen Anderson
Pat Barone
Terry Bogan
Mike Boyd
Denise Casey
Penny Chittenden/Maude Schmidt (share time)
Bill Crawford
Grace Crawford
Ellen Fabian
Sandy Kensler
Betsey Lupkas
Gloria Nilsson
Janet Rood
Maryanne Rupp
Patricia Seakamp
Beverly Schirmeier
Sandra Smith
Paula Solimene

Have a great Holiday Season and I will see you on the 5th if no snow day.
Beverly Schirmeier

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