Monday, November 03, 2008

Dues and News

Jan Blencowe Autum Journey acrylic
MAS Artists

Dues – Our dues for 2009, will stay the same, $25.

Winter Studio - Will start on January 5th on Mondays. Held at the St. Andrews Church, Madison, CT at the same $80 fee for 10 weeks from 9 - 2:30 -3:00. Since space is at a premium, confirm your spot ASAP (limit 20 members). Send check made out to MAS to B. Schirmeier at 76 Malabar Dr., Westbrook, CT 06498.

Mark your Calendars

Member Show
Receiving – January 31st from 9-12
Reception - February 6th from 5 to 7
Critique – February 8th from 1 -4 and
Pick Up - February 27th from 5 -7 or on February 28th from 9-12

Juried Show
Receiving – May 2nd from 9-12
Reception – May 8th from 5 to 7
Pick Up – May 29th from 5 -7 or on May 30th from 9 -12.

Demonstration Calendar will follow in January.

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