Wednesday, March 26, 2008

MAS Hi-Lites April 2008

Madison Art Society
April Hi lights

President’s Letter
The caption in the newspaper reporting Madison Art Society 33rd Annual Member Show“99 Paintings on the Wall” says it all. About half of our members participated in the 33rd Annual Members show that we dedicated to our past president, Jay Folger. We received many positive comments concerning the overall quality of the show and we sold six paintings. We have included in this issue a photo of Mike Boyd and her painting of Granny Smith Apples that won Best in Show. A special thank you goes out to Jay Babina, our coordinator this year, and the many volunteers that made it happen. We had over fifty members at the Critique Session that was held with John Massimino, our judge, and over 30 people showed up for the Poetry Night with the Guilford Poetry League who wrote ten poems that were inspired by the paintings.

Just when you think that you can take a breath, we are starting our plans for the 33rd Annual Juried Show that is being co-chaired by Joe Veckerelli and Beth Wardwell. Mark the Receiving date of Saturday, May 3rd on your calendars from 9 to noon at the Scranton Library with the Reception being held on Friday, May 9th from 5 to 7 PM at the library. We are looking for volunteers to help with the show. Don’t forget to pick up your paintings too by May 9th for those” not selected” and by May 31st at noon for the end of the show paintings.

We listened to many members’ comments about last year’s Juried Show and their request that we provide more opportunities for members to show their work. The Board of Directors made a policy change last year that artists can enter two paintings for judging, but only one will be hung. Also, to try to get more room for paintings to be hung, there is going to be a size limit of 42 inches in any direction including your frame. The new MAS Bylaws that were passed by the members also included the stipulation that members need to pay their dues in a timely manner or they will lose their Elected Artist status and they may rejoin as an Associate Artist. If you have not paid your dues yet, please send your $25 dues to MAS immediately (April 30th deadline).

Based on the survey results, many of you have taken advantage of the demonstrations and other functions that we provide. We have a great year planned again. A schedule of the events is included in this issue. The Winter Studio is going to be extended through April and there is some room for new members to join. Please let me know if you want to paint on Mondays in April from 9 -3 pm at a cost of $32. In June, we will start the Wednesday morning ‘en plein air” sessions. Please let me know if you want to be put on the list to receive notices as to where we are planning to paint. I can be reached at or 860-399-6116. We are also planning on at least two outdoor exhibitions, but it depends on your support and desire to participate. One is the Library Festival Exhibitions in August and the other is the October event at Hammonasett Beach for the Friends of Hammonasett and the Nature Preserve.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the wonderful events that the Board of Directors and I have planned for our members.

Beverly Schirmeier
MAS President

Reminder to pay dues by April 30, 2008

Juried Show in May Chaired by Joe Veckerelli and Beth Wardwell

Summer En Plein Air Sessions -Wednesday Mornings. If interested please contact Beverly Schirmeier at or 860-399-6116.

Winter Studio – Monday 9-3pm for the month April at St. Andrews Church $32. Contact Beverly Schirmeier art

Shoreline Alliance of the Arts – Visual Arts Scholarship. MAS will once again donate $500 to provide half the support along with the Guilford Art League to fund a $1000 Visual Arts Scholarship that will be presented at the SAA Scholarship Showcase. The award ceremony will be held on April 28 at 7:00pm at the Clinton Town Hall.

Honorary Members- The new Bylaws instituted a new category called Honorary Membership to recognize individuals who have provided continued significant support to the MAS to help us reach our goals and achievements. At last month’s Board of Directors meeting, the following individuals were recommended for the Honorary Membership status: Ann Christensen for her continued and excellent coordination of MAS Publicity, Abbie White for her work in filming MAS events for cable TV, Dean Rupp for his photography used for our publicity, and BJ Folger for years of support along with Jay.

August Library Art Festival- Seymour Page, Dick Christofferson, and John Copelin are once again coordinating an Art Exhibition to be held on Wall Street, Madison near the Library. More information will be available in the June Hilights.

October Fall Art Exhibition sponsored by the Friends of Hammonasett to raise awareness of the natural beauty of Hammonasett Beach and to raise money earmarked to build an event seminar space at the Nature Center that will be open year round. In talking with Dr. Don Rankin, the weekend event will take place October 4 and October 5. They would like to publicize and highlight the Arts this year along with a birding event and lecture and a performance by Joseph Fire Crow on Saturday (Sunday rain date). They estimate, dependent on the weather, that approximately 1000 visitors may attend the event. It will be well publicized. Through Grant money, they would provide us with a tent at no cost that would house about 12 artists (10x10 feet space) and they would allow as many of our artists that have their own tents and free standing presentation stands to set up. He would like to have a commitment of at least 20 -30 artists to be there for both days. There would be a minimal cost per artist to be there for MAS advertising ($10 per day), however the artists must donate 25% of the sales to the Friends of Hammonasett and it will go toward the building fund (non-tax donation). Please let me know if you are interested in doing this event. I promised that we would have a count for him of approximate numbers by June 1st. If we do not have any interest or a minimal amount, he would then contact other art societies and or groups. Send commitment of interest to

501c3 – Non-profit Federal Status. MAS is moving forward in attaining the required paperwork completed to be a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We already have the State of Connecticut status, but Federal recognition will help us in raising money for prizes, obtaining grants and individual contributions in the future.

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