Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Year in Review

Happy Holidays MAS Members

What a great year MAS enjoyed in 2006! We began our year with a very successful Members Show in February including a very well attended Critique Night given by John Massamino, followed by our annual Juried Show in May. We had a series of well done demo/lectures presented throughout the year. A portrait painting demo in conjunction with the Madison Sculpture Mile organization was also a memorable evening. The Winter Studio continued to attract a dedicated group of participants. In June the Plein Air group began their outings, and while bad weather put a damper on the first few weeks the rest of the summer was perfect for outdoor painting. MAS mounted two well attended outdoor art shows in the New Alliance Bank courtyard in both July and August. Sales from the August show were particularly impressive. In September the Board of Directors mounted the Appreciation Show to recognize the Scranton Memorial Library's long time support of MAS. September was also our annual social event at the Surf Club. October included a very successful show during the Dudley Farm Harvest Festival.

MAS is looking forward to another busy and rewarding year. There are many wonderful opportunities for MAS members to take advantage of. Please remember to re-new you dues in January so you don't miss out!!! Also please consider volunteering to help with any of the many events MAS sponsors each year. Volunteers are what make things happen. We know all of you are busy people so we try to get as many folks involved as possible so no one person is overburdened. Getting involved by volunteering is a great way to maximize you MAS experience. You'll meet many wonderful artists, make new friends, and build a sense of commaraderie. As MAS continues to grow (our membership is approx. 200 members now) it's easy to get lost in the shuffle and feel like you're not plugged in and connected. Volunteering to work on a MAS event is a great way to become an important part of MAS.

Enjoy your Holiday Season!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Members Show coming up in February. (Don't forget to volunteer!! We need helpers at receiving, hanging, to plan the reception, set-up and clean-up and many other tasks. We need YOU!)

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