Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MAS February 2010 News Items

MAS Artists

It is with great sadness that I report that Ann Christensen, who has been such a dynamic supporter of the arts along the shoreline for years, passed away at Hospice this Friday. I do not have the details concerning her funeral arrangements. Her presence will be greatly missed.

35th Annual Member Show

We have sold eight pieces of artwork from the show at this time and Leah Lopez wrote a nice art review in the Source/Harbor News this past week. Fred Biamonte did a superb job on his slide presentation on CT Impressionists. The Madison Cable TV will be showing it thanks to Seymour Page filming it for us.

Please remember to remove your paintings this coming Friday, February 26 from 5 -7 pm or Saturday, February 27, morning from 9 - noon. The library does not have room to store them. If you sold a painting, arrange for it to be picked up at that time too and send the 10% donationon to the library.

May Juried Show
 Penny Chittenden and John Copelin are the chairpersons for our Juried Show. We are pleased to announce that Emmy Award Winning Artist, David Dunlop will be our juror and will conduct a demo on capturing luminousity to your art work on Sunday, May 16th at 1:30 pm. Of course we need volunteers to coordinate the show's sub groups aswell as helpers: Fund Raising - Awards, Publicity, May 1 - Receiving, Jurying Helpers, May 2 - Hanging, May 7- Reception, and May 3 - 28 Sitting the Show. Let Penny or John know if you would be willing to help in any way - Penny or John at

MAS Dues
 Please make sure your 2010 dues, $25, are paid. We count on a projected budget, based on dues, when planning our events for the year. Also, to maintain your Elected Artist standing you must remain active and to become an Elected Artist, you must remain active and be accepted in two Juried shows within a five year period of time.

Need for a Publicity Person

For the past few years, along with being President, I have been doing our publicity. I would greatly appreciate it if one of our over 200 members, volunteer to pick up this important task. Please contact me at

MAS Artists in the News

Paula Solimene and Pat Barone are the Madison Art Society Artists of the month at the Town Hall.

Gloria Nillson has her oil studies of chocolate confections, How Sweet It is, on display at the Killingworth Library throughout February.

Karen Anderson 25 oil paintings, A Few of My Favorite Things, are being shown thoughout February at Marlborough Town Hall on North Main Street.

Patricia Seakamp and Bill Seakamp are displaying their pastels and oil paintings at the Guilford Library throughout February.

Barbara Rossitto's newest oils: "Streetlights in Chester" and "Loaded in Essex"; and
Jan Blencowe's "Morning Stillness" were accepted in the 67th annual Connecticut Artist Juried Exhibition at the Slater Memorial Museum in Norwich. The show runs from February 21 to April 2, 2010.

Barbara Rossitto, Diane Stone and Patricia Corbett all have paintings in the juried exhibit at the Firehouse Gallery in Milford. This non-themed exhibit runs thru March 4, 2010.

Jan Blencowe's painting "Autumn Glory"  has been installed as a permanent part of the University of Connecticut Health Center art collection.

Karen Wiesner has her pastels and oil paintings at Hair Concepts in Madison as well as in Simply Pearls at the Watersedge stores along with Beverly Schirmeier for the month of February.

Sandra Kensler has her paintings, Where Imagination Meets Reality, on display thoughourt the month of February at the The Town and County Club ,22 Woodland Street ,Hartford, CT 06105.

Elizabeth Billingsley has her pressed flowers and seaweed art work on display at the Liberty Bank in Clinton and conducting several workshops.

Linda Loen has artwork on display in Guilford.

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