Saturday, June 13, 2009

MAS Highlights June 2009

Pictures from the 34th Annual MAS Juried Show

MAS President Bev Schimeirer

Letter from the President

The BOD has been busy planning many exciting events for you this summer. Beth Wardwell has planned two more demonstrations (Brec Morgan on July 9 and Jerry Weiss on August 6) at 6:30 at Madison’s Memorial Town Hall. Laurel Friedman’s pastel demonstration on June 4 was excellent and very inspiring.

If you did not see our 34th Annual Juried Show in May, you missed a wonderful art show co-chaired by Denise Casey, Sandra Kensler and Karen Wiesner. We received many positive comments on the quality and diversity of the show from visitors that came to view the art work. Elizabeth Boyd artwork, Glimpses, (below)won the MAS First Prize Award of $350.

We sold eight paintings (a total of $3,275 in sales). MAS artists donate a percentage of their sale receipts (10%) to the Scranton Memorial Library and in the past six years, MAS has donated $8,578. This year alone, we donated $1,349. We could not offer a show of this magnitude without our wonderful volunteers.

A special thank you to our Funding Team headed by Don Trownsell, VP, who was able to raise $2,825 in prize money and gift certificates (Committee Members - Ellen Fabian, Seymour Page, and Dick Kennedy). Patricia Seakamp coordinated an interesting Poetry Night evening where the Guilford Poetry Group poets wrote poems inspired by the Juried Show paintings.

Volunteering is one way to meet other artists and to help our society provide the expanded services that we have all learned to expect from MAS. Penny Chittenden and Dick Kennedy, BOD Members, are in the process of creating the BOD election nomination list for 2009. Let them know if you are interested in running for the Board of Directors or if you want to volunteer for the various committees.

Scott Bradley, a junior at Valley Regional High School, was the Shoreline Arts Alliance- Visual Arts Winner of the Madison Art Society and the Guilford Art League Scholarship of $1,000. I had the opportunity of presenting the award to him at the SAA Award Ceremony in April. His winning photograph was on display during the Juried Show. His photograph is below.

We have started our Plein Air Wednesday sessions. If you are interested in joining us on Wednesday mornings, email me at or call 860-399-6116.
There are several outdoor exhibitions for our members to participate in this summer. Please join us and I will be looking forward to seeing you.

Beverly Schirmeier
President- MAS

Take advantage of many interesting events during the summer.

June 10 - Plein Aire Painting

Plein Air Painting starts on Wednesday, June 10. There is a large list of artists already. Contact if you are interested in joining us. There is a social networking Plein Air site that Jan Blencowe told us about at


Demonstrations started June 4, 2009 on Thursdays at the Madison Memorial Town Hall located on Route One near the green in Madison. Beth Wardwell has done a great job lining up the following artists this summer. Demonstrations are open to the public. A small donation to offset expenses is welcomed.

June 4, 6:30 pm — Laurel Friedman, pastels
On June 4, 6:30 pm, the Madison Art Society along with the Madison Park and Recreation Department held a pastel demonstration by an award winning pastel artist, Laurel Friedman
Photograph attached: Hurry Up and Wait(below) - pastel by Laurel Friedman
In addition, Laurel is doing a Plein Air Pastel Workshop at LAA June 11 & 12 plus a demo for LAA on July 10 at 1:00 pm for $10.

July 9, 6:30 pm — Brec Morgan, marine art in watercolors and acrylic.

August 6, 6:30 pm, Jerry Weiss, portraits in oils
Jerry is conducting two CT landscape painting workshops this summer (July 20 - 24 and August 14 -16 (contact Kim Ruggerio at 203-710-5502 for more information).

Outdoor Exhibitions
We are also planning outdoor exhibitions where our members can show and sell paintings. Since some of the events have limited spaces, please contact the artists listed below if you are interested in participating.

August 1, Saturday (or rain date August 2, Sunday) - Annual MAS Fine Art Exhibition and Sale at the Scranton Library (Contact Seymour Page at seymourpage! . MAS is getting two large exhibition tents for our use. You will need your own display stands. Artists donate 10% of sale price to the library. There is a sign up fee of $25 to offset MAS expenses and secure a place.

August 8, Saturday- Art and Antiques. Contact Susan Clark from the Madison Exchange Club if you are interested in showing art outside the antiques area on the green . No initial set up fee but 10% of sales will go to local Exchange Club charities. No rain date.

August 29, Saturday - Deacon Grave House Outdoor Art Exhibition and Open House (contact B. Schirmeier) No rain date and no entry fee, but 15% of sales goes to the DGH. Last year, some of the artists had their own tents, some did not have tents and used their display stands or posted it on the barn, against the walls or hung them along the fence.

October 17, Saturday - Bauer Farm Art Exhibition and Plein Air Painting (contact B. Schirmeier). Members of the MAS Plein Air painting group will display one of their Bauer Farm paintings that they have done this summer. MAS will supply the display stands (donated by a few members for use that day).
Board of Directors Election

If you are interested in being elected to the Board of Directors of the Madison Art Society, please contact Penny Chittenden, or Dick Kennedy, . They are preparing a ballot for the Annual Meeting in the fall. Based on our by-laws the members vote for the BOD and the BOD, once elected, select the officers. The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary are selected at that time (every two years) as well as other Committee Chairpersons (Demonstrations, Membership, Marketing, etc.). If you would like to volunteer for committees or functions to support MAS and meet other artists, please let them know.

Keep Informed and Going Green
We only have 75% of our membership’s email addresses. With the cost of mail going up and some last minute news items we want to share that can benefit you, we need your email address. If you change your email, let our Membership Chairperson, Maude Schmidt know ASAP. She can be reached at We always use blind copies for the emails so the world does not get the address. Help us go green and to keep you informed about MAS.

MAS Artists in the News

Notify Jay Babina, MAS Highlights Editor at , and Jan Blencowe, MAS Website Coordinator at if you are having an art show and want to share your news with our members.

Dick Mc Killop and Carl Puleo will be the MAS artists exhibiting at the Madison Town Hall for the months of July and August. If you are interested in exhibiting there, contact Maryanne Rupp at 860- 663-3789 or email her at

Prisella Valvano and Debra Gibson have an art show of their Favorite Paintings at the Henry Carter Memorial Library in Clinton on July 2 – 30 with a reception on July 9, 2009 at 4:30 – 8:00 pm.

Corina Avalverezdelugo will have a solo exhibit of mixed media and sculpture at the Walnut Beach Café Gallery at 37 Naugatuck Ave. Milford, Ct with a reception June 25 from 6:30 -8:30 pm.

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