Monday, August 16, 2010

MAS August 2010 News

MAS August News

It was a beautiful Saturday to hold our outdoor art exhibition on the Madison Town Green for the Madison Exchange Club. Our artists sold 12 more paintings on Salong with the 24 that were sold at the Scranton Library Outdoor Art Exhibition - not bad . We enjoyed quality time with each other even if we did not sell. Of course, it would have been nice to sell some too.

Lesley Braren at the Scranton Library Outdoor Art Sale

Don Tronsell and Pat Seekamp at the Scranton Library Outdoor Art Sale

Unfortunately, several artists have recently dropped out the Hammonassett Show this coming weekend August 21. Since the Friends of Hammonasset have already rented a tent for us and they invited the artists that were participating to come their Friends of Hammonasset cookout, I would love to see some artists volunteer to show their work. Any takers (Hammonasset scenes or nature) contact me at

We are going to co-sponsor one more demonstration this year along with the Clinton Art Society by pastelist, Frank Federiccio on September 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the Clinton Park and Recreation Indian River Complex.

Our Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, September 27, 2010 at the Madison Country Club Golf Course from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. (no charge). A special thanks to Don Trownsell for coordinating the event for us. I hope that you will be able to join us and share in this enjoyable annual affair – a great location, good food, wine and friends. However for planning purposes, it is essential that you let us know as soon as possible whether you will be attending, bringing a spouse/significant other, and bring either an appetizer or dessert to share.

The purpose of the Annual Meeting, although primarily festive, is a set time by our bylaws to elect our slate of Board of Directors for the next year and approve any changes to our by-laws. The MAS board would like to recognize Dick Kennedy as he steps down from the board for all of his support he has given to the organization over the years. We will be voting on the next year’s board nominations with the addition of Linda Loen as a new potential board member. Officers are elected by the board in October and they serve a two year term (Beverly Schirmeier, President, Don Trownsell- Vice President, Joan Mc Pherson – Treasurer and Nancy Chapman and Maryanne Rupp co- Secretaries). Other members returning next year are Jay Babina, Patricia Barone, Denise Casey, Penny Chittenden, John Copelin, Stuart Lerner, Seymour Page, Maude Schmidt, Patricia Seakamp, Paula Solimene Emery, John Tubb, and Beth Wardwell. Their dedication to MAS organization is essential and makes my job as president possible to support our growing number of members.

We cannot do all the exhibitions and activities that we offer without your help too. We are looking for co-chairs for the Members Show in February and for the Juried Show in May. We start in the fall to line up critiques, jurors, space, pr, and reviewing activities. Although the BOD meets monthly, MAS does not meet as an organization from October through January. Please let any BOD member or me know if you will be willing to serve in some capacity.

As they say, “Love Your Local - Artists” so come out and support our artists at our outdoor exhibitions. We have been busy painting outdoors on Wednesdays at lovely locations. Thanks again to Jay Babina for coordinating our Plein air outings this year.


Pastel by Frank Federiccio

Frank Federiccio, pastel, September 23, 6:30 p.m. CAS and MAS shared event at the Indian Reserve Complex – Clinton ( located on Route 81 (exit 63) go one mile north and located on the right side of the road 201 Killingworth Turnpike/ Route 81.
Frank Federiccio is a seasoned artist with many credits garnishing his career. Frank’s method is unique and an exciting way to achieve bold and painterly pastels rendering while stressing the more dynamic characteristics of composition and design. He attained the honorable level of signature membership of numerous prestigious art societies including Pastel Society of America, National Watercolor Society, Pastel Society of Painters on Cape Cod and Degas Pastel Society, to name a few. He has received numerous awards including the Grumbacher Gold, Silver and Bronze, many honors from the Pastel Society of America, National Society of Painters in Casein & Acrylic, Allied Artists of America and many more awards.

Annual Meeting
Monday, September 27, 2010 at the Madison Golf Country Club from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The club is located at 8 Wharf Road and Route One Madison, Connecticut ( ½ mile West from Route 79 and Route One intersection toward Guilford).
Please contact Patricia Barone at or call 860-- 664-4540 or Nancy Chapman at or call 1-203-245-1305
If you can help set up prior to the event at 4:30 p.m. or to help to clean up after at 7:00 p.m.

RSVP is essential for planning purposes

Contact either:
Patricia Barone at or call 860-- 664-4540
Nancy Chapman at or call 1-203-245-1305

Outdoor Exhibition Dates

We will have offered five outdoor art exhibitions this year for our members to showcase their artwork. Over ten percent of our members have participated so far.

At the Scranton Library sale, we sold 24 paintings that weekend. A special thanks to Seymour Page and John Copelin for coordinating that event. The Arts and Antique Fair on the Madison Green was a beautiful summer day along the ability to share quality time with our artists plus the extra bonus that several of our members sold over 12 paintings. In addition, MAS is helping other non-profits by donating a percentage of their art sales to support their community efforts such as the Hammonasset Nature Center on August 21.

If you sold paintings at Scranton Show send your 10% donation to MAS PO Box 1383, Madison Ct and state that it is for the library donation. If you sold paintings at the Madison Exchange Club send your 10% doantion c/o Shari Roguski at PO Box 373 Madison Ct.
Madison Art Society and Deacon John Graves House Historical House Tour and Art Exhibition, August 28, no entry fee, 15% donation on works sold to the DJG House. Contact
Bauer Farm Harvest Festival, October 16, exhibition of MAS plein air painters’ scenes of the farm and plein air painting, no entry fee or donations. Contact Bev Schirmeier, 860-399-6116,

Artists in the News

Madison Art Society Town Hall Artists for the Months of July and August were Josephine McKenna and Patricia Gedney.
Jennifer Holmes is the Featured Artist this month at Ventucci’s Art Gallery in Westbrook.
The artist of the month of September at the Guilford Free Library on the Green is Linda Loen.

John Tubbs and Suzanne Burnham have their paintings on display at Malone's Coffee House, Clinton this fall.

We are proud of many of our MAS artists that were chosen to receive awards at the current Clinton Art Society 61th Juried Show Joan Mc Pherson, Leslie Braren, Diana Rogers, Bestey Haigus, Karen Wiesner, Sara Drought Nebel and Stuart Lerner.

Several of our MAS artists are at the Lyme Art Association Juried Summer Show currently on display.

Westbrook Senior Center Artists for the Months of September and October are Karen Wiesner, Patricia Gedney, Elizabeth Shea, Joanne McCarty , Maryanne Rupp and Beverly Schirmeier. An open house reception will be held on September 9 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Westbrook Town Hall, 866 Boston Post Road, Westbrook. Art sales donation of 15% will go to the Westbrook Senior Center.

Nan Iselin’s watercolors are on display at the Liberty Bank in Clinton through September. Lorene Scholl’s paintings will be on display October through November.

Barbara Rossitto’s Reclining Nude, pastel, won a prize at the last Essex Art Association Show and several of our members’ artwork were also chosen for the show.

Sandy Kensler and her husband, Terry, will be having a fund raising art exhibit including his photographs of Africa for August at the Scranton Library. Sales will go to support the widows and orphans of Kenya.
Gallery One, Old Saybrook has several of our artist's work on currently display, Nile Barrett, Diana Rogers, and Mike Boyd.

Patricia Barone and Paula Solimene Emery will be having a Summer of Sun and Light art show of their work in August at the Gallery at Lighthouse in Groton from August 6 -30th .
Robert Langer and Sherry Marlowe's art work is on display at Simply Pearls at Waters Edge Resort, Westbrook.
Maggie Dean and Mauren Wilkinson's art work are at the Stoney Creek Art Gallery. In August they sponsored over 40 artists that participated in a fundraiser for the Sound.
Jan Blencowe has paintings in the Kent Art Association’s Juried Show.
The Madison Art Society Board of Directors will display their oil, watercolors, pastels and sculpture for the month of September at the Scranton memorial Library. Please come to the reception on Thursday September 2 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

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